Find the Perfect Publishing Path for Your Manuscript

Submissions Page

What Our Authors Say

"I love this whole team. They put my books on the map and made a Wall Street Journal Bestselling author out of me."

Lee Jackson, Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of The After Dunkirk Series

"With less than stellar sales, a Big 5 publisher declined to renew my contract. The SRP team took those two books and through the magic of their marketing savvy, turned them into Amazon Bestsellers. Now with a series contracted through an even dozen, I've gained a readership that astounds me. I give full credit to this team, who can steer books into readers' hands. And more than that, their integrity is beyond reproach, and even better, they're fun to work with."

Shannon Baker, Author of The Kate Fox Series

"Working with this team is a joy. From initial concept through final publication, they are pleasant and professional. And in my case, their results speak for themselves."

James Chandler, Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of MISJUDGED

Publishing Opportunities

As the publishing landscape evolves, we recognize the need to adapt and provide more opportunities for talented authors in an increasingly competitive market. We're excited to offer two distinct publishing paths through our imprints: Severn River Publishing (SRP) and Ten Hut Media (THM). Our goals are:

  • To offer authors more competitive royalty rates in today's challenging book market.
  • To open doors for talented writers whose high-quality manuscripts we might otherwise have to turn away due to the constraints of the traditional publishing model.
  • To provide authors access to the benefits of our scale and expertise, regardless of their chosen publishing path.

Severn River Publishing (SRP) has established a strong presence in the traditional market with multiple category leaders in the genres we publish. SRP is currently open on a limited basis—primarily for established authors with long-running series in our specialized genres. We anticipate fully reopening for debut authors and new series in the fall of 2025.

Ten Hut Media (THM) provides an imprint for exceptional authors who benefit from a more flexible publishing model while still accessing SRP’s established infrastructure and expertise. THM serves a diverse range of authors, from those seeking higher royalty rates and greater control over their publishing process to emerging writers looking for professional production and marketing support. Our approach combines the advantages of indie publishing with the resources and know-how of an established publisher.

Our dual imprint approach offers unique opportunities for authors with diverse goals and publishing preferences. Whether you're seeking a traditional publishing experience with SRP’s established channels or a more collaborative, high-royalty-rate model with THM, we invite you to explore which path best suits your vision in today’s publishing environment.

Our Imprints

Severn River Publishing (SRP)

Description: A traditional publishing house focused on high-quality manuscripts with strong market potential.

Key Features:

  • Covers all production costs.
  • Provides professional editing, design, and distribution.
  • Print distribution through Baker & Taylor Publisher Services.
  • Utilizes expert marketing strategies to maximize sales.

Genres We Publish:

  • Crime Fiction
  • Legal Thriller
  • Mystery
  • Military Thriller
  • Historical Fiction
  • Psychological Thriller
  • Domestic Thriller
  • Science Fiction
  • Dystopian

Ideal For:

  • Authors with a proven sales track record.
  • Writers who have an established, long-running series in a genre we publish.
  • Authors comfortable with standard royalty rates and longer contractual commitments.

Agented Submissions: Agented manuscripts are automatically categorized as SRP-only submissions.

Ten Hut Media (THM)

Description: A selective hybrid (co-publishing) model where authors invest in their production and retain more control and a higher share of royalties.

Key Features:

  • Authors finance their own production costs; THM manages the process to ensure high-quality editing, cover design, and other services.
  • Higher royalty rates: Authors keep 90% of Net Receipts for all formats.
  • Benefit from SRP’s scale, data, and tactical knowledge in distribution and marketing.
  • Basic marketing setup (metadata optimization, book description, ARC distribution).
  • Ongoing paid advertising management is an optional add-on service.
  • More lenient term (1-year with rolling renewal).

Investment Expectations:

Authors partnering with THM invest in production costs, which cover professional editing, cover design, and formatting services. Costs are tailored to each project’s needs and agreed upon upfront, ensuring transparency with no hidden fees.

Genres Accepted: THM considers most genres, focusing on the quality of the manuscript. Selection depends on manuscript quality and our capacity to take on new projects.

Ideal For:

  • Established authors seeking higher royalty rates and greater control over their publishing process.
  • Emerging authors with promising manuscripts looking for professional production and marketing support.
  • Nonfiction and memoir writers prioritizing quality and expertise in their publications.
  • Authors pursuing personal or professional goals through publishing, regardless of prior experience.

Author Involvement: While we provide strong guidance, authors have ultimate control over key decisions such as title, cover design, format types, and marketing budget, ensuring your vision is realized throughout the publishing process.

Comparison at a Glance

Aspect Severn River Publishing (SRP) Ten Hut Media (THM)
Production Expense Publisher-financed Author-financed
Author Royalties 25% of Net Receipts for ebook, 40% for print 90% of Net Receipts for all formats
Offers Advances Yes No
  • Publisher-financed
  • Publisher controls budget
  • All marketing decisions are at the discretion of the publisher
  • Author-financed
  • Author controls budget
  • Ongoing paid advertising management is an optional add-on service
Publishing Contract Length 5-year term 1-year term (rolling renewal)
Author Termination Based on term & earnings Based on term only
Agent Representation Not required Not required

The above terms are an example of our standard contract. Actual publishing agreements may differ based on the author’s unique circumstances and the project’s specific requirements.

Our Commitment to Authors

We are dedicated to discovering and supporting talented authors. Our goal is to provide the best possible publishing experience, whether through SRP’s traditional model or THM’s hybrid approach. We look forward to reviewing your manuscript and potentially embarking on a successful publishing journey together.

Submission Process

Currently Accepting Submissions:

  • Ten Hut Media (THM) or Dual Submissions: You can expect to hear back from us within 2 weeks.
  • Severn River Publishing (SRP) Only Submissions: We do our best to respond within 4 weeks. Due to the high volume of submissions, we are unable to provide individual updates. If you do not hear from us by then, you may assume we will not be moving forward with your project at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Severn River Publishing (SRP) accepting submissions?

SRP is open on a limited basis. We primarily seek established authors with existing series in our focus genres. We plan to fully reopen for debut authors and new series in the fall of 2025.

How do you ensure the quality of published books?

Both Severn River Publishing (SRP) and Ten Hut Media (THM) uphold the highest standards by thoroughly vetting manuscripts, employing experienced editors and designers, and adhering to industry best practices. Our selective acceptance process ensures that only top-quality, market-ready books are published through either imprint.

Can you make my book a bestseller?

No publisher can guarantee that your book will become a bestseller. We strive to support your book’s success through excellent production quality and effective branding and marketing strategies, enabling you to make informed decisions about your publishing journey.

How does your distribution differ between SRP and THM?

Both SRP and THM offer identical distribution options for ebooks and audiobooks. For print distribution, SRP’s print books are distributed exclusively through Baker & Taylor Publisher Services, increasing the probability that bookstores and libraries will order SRP print titles. THM’s print titles are distributed via Amazon KDP and Ingram, allowing for faster market entry and leveraging the unit economics of Print-On-Demand (POD) to help authors manage their upfront costs.

How does THM’s publishing model differ from other hybrid publishers and self-publishing?

THM combines indie publishing flexibility with Severn River Publishing’s proven expertise in online book sales. We offer authors professional editing, design, and metadata optimization, along with market insights from our successful track record. Authors retain creative control and receive higher royalty rates than traditional publishing. We also provide optional marketing management as a service, granting you access to our advanced advertising platforms, data, and techniques. This model saves authors time compared to self-publishing and offers unparalleled marketing expertise among hybrid publishers, helping navigate today’s online book market more effectively.

Final Thoughts

We are committed to supporting the author community and adapting to the changing landscape of publishing. Whether you’re a debut author looking to make your mark or an established writer seeking a new partnership, we invite you to consider our publishing options through THM—or, for the right project, SRP. We carefully review each submission and look forward to the possibility of working together to bring your story to readers worldwide.